Celebrate Your Name This Week

Did you know that this week is Celebrate Your Name week? Although the week can be celebrated by anyone and everyone, it seems to me that genealogists are going to be especially interested in using this week as the perfect excuse to delve deeper into your own family history. It includes “Genealogy Saturday”! Your name is special. It identifies who you are, and connects you to your immediate family, your relatives, and your ancestors. Nothing gets a person’s attention quicker than when they hear someone else calling out their name. Celebrate Your Name Week (CYNW) is all about making sure … Continue reading

A Good Reason To Talk To Strangers

I just read a very interesting news story out of Canada which reminded me of the wonderful, almost magical things that can happen when a person takes the time to interact with other people instead of just going about their business as usual. The story is about a woman who works at a store. She was at work the other day and when a customer came in to pick up his order, he said his name. What happened next could have gone one of two ways. The woman who was working at the store could have gone to get the … Continue reading