Genealogy Tip – Assume Nothing

Many of us know that it is often wise not to make assumptions. This is especially true when you are researching your family history. Making assumptions can lead to inaccuracies in your research and could even lead you down the wrong path to people who are not actually your ancestors. There are a few key areas in which avoiding assumptions is absolutely essential to the integrity of your research. The first is relationships. If you use Census records to figure out who is related to whom within a household, you may want to double check the answers that you get … Continue reading

Family Stories – Babies and Births

Some of the most interesting stories that families pass on from generation to generation involve the circumstances surrounding the arrival of new family members. Babies bring great joy to families, and apparently so does telling stories about things that happened in relation to their births. Some of these stories involve where the births took place. Many families have family members that live at least a few hours away, if not much farther than that. This results in new family members being born in new and different places than the generations that were born before them. For example, when my son … Continue reading

Fewer Births Occur on Halloween Than Valentine’s Day

One of the most common pieces of information that genealogists search for is the birth date of a relative or ancestor. Sometimes, genealogists discover that an ancestor was born on a holiday. A study shows that fewer women give birth on Halloween than on Valentine’s Day. Were any of your relatives born on Halloween? Researchers at the Yale School of Public Health did a study that helped researchers to learn why there are fewer births occurring on Halloween than there are on Valentine’s Day. Could the meanings of these holidays be influencing the pregnant mothers? Halloween and Valentine’s day were … Continue reading

Twin Sisters Give Birth on the Same Day

Two twin sisters in Indiana ended up giving birth on the same day. This was unexpected, because one of the twins was supposed to give birth a bit later than the other. Instead, their babies ended up sharing the same birthday. Are their twins in your family tree? The discovery of ancestors who were twins are one of the things that can make genealogy research interesting. It could make you want to search through old family photos, to see how closely the twins resembled each other. Or, you might want to do some additional research, to see if there was … Continue reading

Were Your Ancestors Undocumented

Sometimes genealogists encounter difficulties locating vital records for their ancestors. The reasons why some records can be elusive are numerous. Today I would like to talk about one possible reason that you may be having difficulty finding a birth certificate for one or more of your ancestors. It is possible that the ancestor whose birth certificate you seek is one of millions of undocumented Americans. Undocumented Americans are people who were born in the United States and do not have a birth certificate or other means of proving their citizenship. Some undocumented Americans come from immigrant families who may or … Continue reading

The Baby Boomers Have Taken Up Genealogy

The Baby Boomer Generation seems to have taken up a new hobby. They are becoming genealogists, collectors of family history, and keepers of the family photos. It is very likely that when this generation was much younger, they never would have guessed that this would be how they would be spending their time in their “old age”. People born between 1946 and 1964 are part of the Baby Boomer generation. This generation was born after WWII ended, and there are a lot of them. Hence, the name “Baby Boom”. This is the group that came of age during the rebellious … Continue reading

Popular Baby Names From A Century Ago

Today, parents often give their newborns a name that was inspired by popular culture. This is not a new phenomena. If you take a close look at the baby names that were popular about one hundred years ago, you will find that your ancestors were also inspired by popular culture when they named their babies. Perhaps one of your ancestors was named after someone who was famous in 1910. In many ways, day to day life is very different now, than it was around one hundred years ago. Your ancestors didn’t have cell phones, access to the internet, or big … Continue reading

Genealogy Has Become Popular

Genealogy is no longer something done by retired people, as a way to pass the time. It’s become quite popular in the last few years. You wouldn’t think that a hobby that involves looking for names, dates, and records would be something that a lot of people would find interesting, and yet, it is. This is due to a variety of reasons, all put together. Part of what is making genealogy so popular is it’s accessibility. Want to start looking up records that connect to your ancestors? There are several genealogy websites that you can choose from, and become a … Continue reading

Making A Genealogy Time Capsule

One fun idea for a genealogy project is making a time capsule. For some reason, I have not heard of a lot of people doing this but it seems like a great way to have some fun while preserving your family history for future generations. Making a time capsule does not need to be very time-consuming or expensive either. To get started on your genealogy time capsule project, print out a nice copy of your pedigree chart. Next, get some current family photos and write the names of the people in the photos on the back of them. Then, have … Continue reading