The Meaning of Irish Symbols on Gravestones

The symbols that families choose to put on the gravestones of their loved ones hold quite a bit of meaning. Genealogists with Irish ancestry might be wondering what the Irish symbols that appear on the gravestones of their ancestors mean. Understanding Irish symbols on gravestones could help you learn more about your Irish heritage. The images, symbols, and markings on gravestones do not get their by accident! Someone, (probably a close family member to the deceased) made choices about what, exactly, should go on that headstone. While artistic or aesthetic reasons could have influenced those choices, often, it is the … Continue reading

More Meanings of Images on Gravestones

What profession did your ancestor have? Was one of your ancestors a Freemason? These are the kinds of questions that might be answered, simply by looking at your ancestor’s gravestone. Most of the images that appear on a gravestone are symbols. Knowing how to interpret those symbols can give you a wealth of information. Finding certain symbols on a gravestone can indicate that the deceased was a Freemason. The image of a woman with an anchor is the Masonic symbol of hope. Laurel leaves and branches represent special achievement and distinction. A square represents mortality. The Goodfellows use chain links … Continue reading

Meanings of Flowers, Trees, and Fruit on Gravestones

Genealogists who have started visiting graveyards in order to continue their research have likely seen some strange things. While most gravestones contain the name, date of birth, and date of death of the deceased, not all gravestones stop there. There may be poetic inscriptions, or a portrait of the person. Many gravestones also have images carved into them, or depicted on them. It’s not too hard to guess that an angel symbolizes rebirth, or a connection between God and man. Everyone knows that skulls or skeletons symbolize death. But, what about the images that are plants, flowers, and foods? It … Continue reading

Symbols On Gravestones Have Specific Meanings

What is on your ancestor’s tombstone? You can expect to find their name, date of birth, and date of death. There may be an inscription added. Some gravestones have portraits of the deceased. Many gravestones have angels carved into them. You may find arches, bones, or other imagery. These kinds of images are not simply decorations, or aesthetic choices. There is a specific meaning behind each of these symbols! It is possible that the symbols on your relative’s gravestone will tell you things about that person that you were not aware of. A visit to a cemetery is something that … Continue reading