The Celtic Origins of Halloween

In this season of ghosts, monsters, and carved pumpkins, there is scarcely a turnip in sight absent the ones that are in the kitchen awaiting their ultimate fate. What’s this about turnips? Why would I mention turnips in a post about Halloween? Some of my ancestors are of Irish descent, and while I have not yet traced them back as far as the Celts it is interesting to earn about Celtic history and tradition. The Celts used to carve monster faces into turnips to keep evil spirits away. They placed the turnips on their doorsteps with lit candles inside, just … Continue reading

Study to Create Profile of Typical Irish Person

The Genealogical Society of Ireland has teamed up with geneticists in order to come up with the “genetic signature of Irishness”. They are working to build an “Irish DNA atlas”. The main point is to to create a historical resource. The research could, potentially, reveal genes that affect the health of the population of Ireland. What does it mean to be Irish? Americans who have ancestors who came from Ireland might consider themselves to be Irish, (even if they never so much as set foot onto the Emerald Isle). Everyone, whether of Irish heritage or not, might consider themselves to … Continue reading