A Quick Comparison of DNA Test Kits

There is more than one way to track down your ancestors. Many genealogists spend time searching for vital records and documents that will help them connect one ancestor to another. Others purchase home DNA kits in order to discover relatives whom they are genetically related to but have never met. Here is a quick comparison of many of the DNA kits that come from different companies. Ready to get your DNA tested? There are plenty of different DNA kits out there that can do that for you. Each of them require you to send in a sample of your DNA. … Continue reading

Home Genetic Tests Could Require Involvement From Doctors

Recently, the FDA put together an advisory panel in order to figure out what regulations should be put in place in regards to direct to consumer DNA testing kits. The opinions of the experts has lead the FDA to conclude that at least some of these genetic tests should require the involvement of a doctor. If so, this could, potentially, change how easy it is for genealogists to use these tests to create their medical family tree. The discovery of the human genome, and all the research that has been done on it, has occurred in a relatively short span … Continue reading

FDA Considers Regulating DNA Testing Kits

Those DNA test kits that you can buy from a website sure look tempting. Genealogists often find them interesting because they can learn more about their ancestors based on the analysis of their DNA sample. Many people use these tests to learn more about their health risks. The Food and Drug Administration is considering putting regulations in place regarding these direct to consumer DNA kits. You may want to wait a little longer before purchasing one. In some cases, doctors will recommend that a patient have genetic testing done. The purpose may be to determine the risk a couple has … Continue reading

How Do Distant Ethnic Backgrounds Play into Marriage?

Often, when we think of ethnic differences in a marriage, we think of a mixed-race marriage, but today I’m talking about something else – I’m talking about the ethnic roots we all have within us regardless of our nationality. Americans aren’t just Americans, you know – everyone who lives here has ancestors that immigrated over at some point, be it within the last ten years or two hundred years ago. We have English, Dutch, French, Swiss, Scandanavian, Japanese, African … we are truly a melting pot as a nation. My ancestors came here a long, long time ago, so I’m … Continue reading

How Well Do You Know Your Genes?

If you want to know more about the secrets that are hidden within your DNA, there are several different companies that can help you to do that. The Genetic Disease Foundation has launched a new website, called KnowYourGenes.org, that is a great resource for people wanting to understand more about their genetic inheritance. You may have heard about several commercial companies that will sell you a home DNA kit. These kits require a person to provide a small sample of their DNA, which will then be tested by the company that they purchased the kit from. Some want a sample … Continue reading

23andMe Has Top Ten List Of Genetic Findings From 2010

23andMe, a company that sells genetic testing kits, has released their list of the top ten genetic findings from 2010. They feel that these were the most interesting and significant genetic findings from the past year. Research about the human genome is still ongoing, and it will be interesting to see what is learned about heritable diseases in the 2011. For genealogists, these discoveries in genetics may reveal a lot about what diseases or conditions run in a family. 23andMe published their top ten list on their blog, which is called “The Spittoon”. They sell DNA test kits that can … Continue reading

Should You Get A Home DNA Kit?

In the past few years, there have been quite a few companies that will sell you a “home DNA kit”. You place an order, pay for it, provide a sample of your genetic material, and send it off to a lab. The results you get back will tell you what, exactly, is in your genes. Some people question the reliability of these tests. Are these simple to use DNA tests really a good idea? You can probably think of at least one of the companies that sells DNA collection kits. They have funny names like deCODEme, 23andMe, and DNA11, just … Continue reading

Irresponsible Owner Breaks Writer’s Heart (Again)

I was driving home from work yesterday and I saw something that had me pretty upset: a little white dog tied up to a car antenna in the middle of a parking lot. My first thought was: what a dumb place to tie your dog. But it isn’t just stupid, it’s irresponsible. It endangers the dog. Would you tie a child to a car and leave them there while you do your shopping or run back into the house for something you forgot? What makes you think a dog wouldn’t get spooked or distracted and try to dart out into … Continue reading

Teaching Your Child How to Protect Themselves

Many parents, including myself, worry about what their child would do if they were confronted by an attacker, kidnapper, etc. To ease your worst fears, I have some advice and tips for you that you and your child can do together. I practice this often with my 6-year-old daughter, Samantha, and she enjoys it. It also eases her fears if she were confronted by someone that could hurt her. I use some of what I learned in Tae Kwon Do lessons, and some of the street smarts my fiancé learned growing up in a large city. This is my role … Continue reading