Looking For A Genealogy Book?

Whether you are new to genealogy or you are an experienced genealogist, there is a good chance that there may come a time when you want to buy some books about genealogy. Perhaps you want a couple of introductory guides that can point you in the right direction as you begin researching your family history. Maybe you have been working on your family history for a while and you want to learn how to do research in a particular group of records or check whether there are some helpful hints for getting around a brick wall that you have encountered. … Continue reading

RootsTech 2013 has a New “Developer Day”

RootsTech 2013 will be doing something brand new. They are having a “Developer Day”. It will take place on March 22, 2012. Genealogy and technology have combined in many ways, and RootsTech provides a collaborative environment for both genealogists and the developers of the technology that genealogists use. RootsTech 2013 is going to take place on March 21, March 22, and March 23 of 2013. This time, they are doing something that they have never done before. There will be a “Developer Day” held on March 22, 2012. It will include a series of presentations that will be of interest … Continue reading

RootsTech 2013 is Coming Up!

RootsTech is one of the biggest genealogy conferences that genealogists can attend. It is hosted by FamilySearch, and both genealogists and those interested in genealogy related technology should check it out. If you register now, you can get the “Early Bird” discount. FamilySearch hosts the RootsTech conference every year. The one held in 2013 will be the third annual RootsTech. It will take place at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. This conference involves information about genealogy and the technology that genealogists can use to do their research. It is definitely a “Big Deal” in terms … Continue reading