Does Kate Middleton Have Jewish Heritage?

The internet is an excellent place for rumors, misunderstood facts, and flat out lies to spread exponentially. There have been some people questioning whether or not Kate Middleton had Jewish heritage. How much can you really determine from the surnames of a person’s ancestors? Kate Middleton is the woman whom Prince William married in a huge wedding ceremony earlier this year. She was a commoner, and her family didn’t have a coat of arms until shortly before the Royal Wedding was scheduled. After Prince William and Kate Middleton got married, the couple was given several new titles. She became Her … Continue reading

Prince William Has a Middleton Ancestor

A heritage consultant was searching to find out if Kate Middleton had ancestors from Scotland. The research revealed that Prince William actually has an ancestor who was a Middleton. These are the kinds of stories that make genealogy research seem absolutely fascinating. Gordon Casely, who is a heritage consultant, was interested in finding out if Kate Middleton’s family tree could be connected to ancestors from Scotland. Instead, he discovered that Prince William was a direct descendent of a man named John Middleton, a man who lived in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in the seventeenth century. John Middleton, according to Gordon Casely, was … Continue reading

Preserving Your Family’s Military History

Many families have one or more ancestors that have served their country through military service. Military service often takes soldiers to far away places, and they often return with very interesting accounts of events that happened around the world. Some stories are somber; stories of losing battles, harsh conditions, and devastating injuries. Some soldiers bring home stories about people that they met or animals that they encountered. I have a relative who served in Vietnam, and he has pictures of a puppy that someone had brought into the barracks. The puppy was a welcome diversion for the soldiers and he … Continue reading