Kate Middleton is Related to Jane Austen

You may already be aware that Kate Middleton is related to Ellen DeGeneres. Genealogists at Ancestry.com have discovered another famous person that happens to be related to Kate Middleton. It turns out that she also can call Jane Austen “cousin”. Earlier this year, Prince William and Kate Middleton, (who have also been referred to as “The Royal Couple”), got married. It was a wedding that was televised, and that had thousands of people gathering around hoping to catch a glimpse of it. If you were not aware of who Kate Middleton was before this huge event, you undoubtedly now know … Continue reading

Prince Harry Adds to a Long Line of Royal Scandals – Part 2

Earlier in the week, I blogged about Prince Harry and his recent naked in Vegas photo scandal. Reports are surfacing that the royal family is still behind the young prince and why not? There have been royal scandals in England for quite some time now. Here are a few that might put Harry’s antics to shame: King Edward VIII abdicated the thrown to marry Wallis Simpson. Not only was she American, but she had been divorced – twice – and it was later revealed she was a Nazi sympathizer. Harry’s aunt, Princess Anne, was married to Mark Phillips. That in … Continue reading