Search New York 1940 Census Records For Free

The 1940 United States Census is the biggest, most exciting, set of documents that genealogists will encounter this year. Many have waited a long time to be able to search through this data. is offering access to the New York 1940 U.S. Census for free right now. To say that the release of the data from the 1940 United States Census was exciting would be an understatement. Genealogists caused 37 million hits on the National Archives website right away. This caused a virtual traffic jam which temporarily made the website crash. Later, when it once again became possible to … Continue reading

Genealogy Vocabulary for the Census

The release of the 1940 United States Census was a very big deal for genealogists. It was something that they had been looking forward to for a long, long, time. Those who are just getting started in genealogy might need some help understanding the important words and phrases that relate to the 1940 census. Here is a quick list to help out beginning genealogists. There are several different online resources that a beginning genealogist can use in order to learn about different terms that relate to genealogy. The following definitions came from the Genealogy Glossary at Family Tree Magazine. Census: … Continue reading

Interesting Statistics About the 1940 Census

The data from the 1940 United States Census was released on April 2, 2012. It is the most exciting, most anticipated, resource that genealogists are going to be able to dig into this year. Here are some interesting statistics about the 1940 U.S. Census. The release of the 1940 census was so popular that thousands of genealogists flocked to The National Archives website to check it out. This caused a virtual traffic jam that resulted in the website being temporarily shut down. It was getting more hits than the server could process. Susan Cooper, a spokeswoman for The National Archives, … Continue reading

What’s New at Family Search? – Week of June 2, 2012

FamilySearch is one of the most popular genealogy websites. Part of what makes it so popular is that they are constantly updating their website and adding records that genealogists can search through for free. It is an excellent resource, especially for genealogists who are on a budget. Here is what’s new at FamilySearch this week. This week, FamilySearch gave us another update to their ongoing 1940 Census Indexing Project. Their blog is calling it the “1940 Census Indexing Progress Report”. As of June 1, 2012, the volunteers at FamilySearch have indexed 51.88% of the census. This means that they have … Continue reading

Family History Stories Are A Good Read

As I looked for an interesting topic to write about for today, I came across a wonderful story that was posted on a genealogy blog. The story was about how the blogger’s grandmother and grandfather met – a friend had given a young woman’s address to a young man, they began writing letters to each other, and eventually met and got married. I really enjoyed reading that story, and it reminded me of just how wonderful real life family history stories can be. Whether the story is a romantic story, a funny story, a story of a brave hero, or … Continue reading