Looking Forward to Saint Patrick’s Day

As Saint Patrick’s Day approaches, I start thinking about Irish food. Of course, Irish food is so delicious that I like to enjoy it throughout the year, but Saint Patrick’s Day is a great excuse to plan an all-out Irish menu for the entire day. While I have fond childhood memories of Saint Patrick’s Day corned beef and cabbage dinners complete with my mom’s home made Irish Soda Bread, I usually make something different each year. In fact, I have started somewhat of a tradition in my home of going to the grocery store the day after Saint Patrick’s Day … Continue reading

Genetic Cause of Acromegaly Revealed – Thanks to Irish Giant

The bones of an Irish Giant have helped researchers identify a genetic mutation that is the cause of a condition called acromegaly. This condition is heritable, and there are between 200 and 300 people today who carry the genetic mutation. Thanks to this research, it may be possible for a blood test to identify and treat people who have this genetic mutation before they exhibit symptoms of acromegaly. Acromegaly is a chronic metabolic disorder. Too much growth hormone is produced, and this causes the body tissues to gradually enlarge more than would be typically expected. The growth occurs after the … Continue reading