What Did Our Ancestors Eat?

We would like to think that we have evolved considerably since our earliest ancestors roamed the earth. However, as different as we are from those ancestors that lived so long ago there is some debate about whether our bodies have adapted to the foods that are available to us in modern society or whether we would fare better if we ate a diet that more closely resembled that of our early ancestors. Proponents of the Paleolithic Diet (commonly referred to as the Paleo Diet) believe that our bodies have not yet adapted to modern foods and can not utilize them … Continue reading

GenealogyBank Just Added 25 Million New Records

About a month ago, I accidentally came across a genealogy website called GenealogyBank. Ever since then, I get occasional email from them that tells me about resources that have been added to their website. They recently added 25 million new records. GenealogyBank.com describes itself as “The Largest Newspaper Archive for Family History Research”. You can use the search engine on the website to start your search for information about your ancestors. Type in your ancestor’s first name and surname, and it will search over 6,100 United States newspapers and 1 billion records for you. I originally came across GenealogyBank after … Continue reading