Genealogy Used as a Weapon in Election Years

Genealogy is the study of family. Most genealogists spend a great deal of time working on their own family tree. Professional genealogists often work on other people’s family trees. In election years, or at least in this one, it seems that politicians want to use genealogy as a weapon to use against their opponents. I find this to be a very strange choice. It isn’t unusual for a politician to let potential voters know that he or she is married and has children. If I had to guess, the purpose of this is to make the candidate look like a … Continue reading

Does Elizabeth Warren Really Have Cherokee Ancestry?

The ancestry of Democrat Elizabeth Warren is still a topic that is raising questions. A few months ago, a genealogist determined that Warren did, really, have Cherokee ancestry. Shortly after that, there were blogs that stated that there wasn’t any credible evidence that this was so. Now, another genealogist says that Elizabeth Warren really doesn’t have Cherokee ancestry. In Massachusetts, the current Senator is Scott Brown, who is a Republican. Elizabeth Warren, who is a Democrat, is running against him for the Senate seat he currently holds. The winner will be decided in the 2012 election. It has become common … Continue reading