Family Stories – Babies and Births

Some of the most interesting stories that families pass on from generation to generation involve the circumstances surrounding the arrival of new family members. Babies bring great joy to families, and apparently so does telling stories about things that happened in relation to their births. Some of these stories involve where the births took place. Many families have family members that live at least a few hours away, if not much farther than that. This results in new family members being born in new and different places than the generations that were born before them. For example, when my son … Continue reading

Family Game Night

Between everyone’s busy schedules it’s important to take some time out once a week to spend together as a family. No distractions! Turn the cell phones off, no TV, no computers, just the family! Pick a night of the week to be a special night to spend just you and the kids. For us growing up, we all knew that Monday night was family night. As we got older and our schedules got busier with school and work, family night became less and less frequent. Now that I have my own family, I’d love to start it up again. Have … Continue reading

Two Ways to Digitize Your Family Photos and Negatives

Many of us know of at least one or two of our relatives have a large collection of old photo albums or boxes of pictures and negatives. With the passage of time, photos can fade and negatives can become brittle and hard to reproduce. There are ways to preserve these bits of family history in digital form, so that they can be enjoyed by present and future generations The topic of digitizing old family photos and negatives also points to a great gift idea or two for the family photo packrat in your family. There are devices available that enable … Continue reading

Family Time Strengthens Family Bonds

This weekend, I am making some family memories with my husband, my son, and my in-laws. A few years ago, my husband and I started joining my in-laws on their annual trip to the Common Ground Fair up in Maine. This will be our second time going with our son, and we are excited to take many pictures and record videos and notes of our experiences. Family vacations are one of my favorite ways to connect with both my parents and my in-laws and I am very lucky that we have been able to make a couple of trips pretty … Continue reading