23andMe Seeks FDA Approval of DNA Test Kits

23andMe is a company that offers a DNA test kit. Genealogists can use it to learn more about their heritage. Everyone can use it to learn about their health. 23AndMe is among the groups asking for the FDA to approve their test kits. The ability for a consumer to purchase a home DNA test kit, to send off a sample, and to learn more about the information that is hidden in their genes, is a new concept. It’s only been possible for a few years. Companies like 23andMe, DeCODE, Navigenics, Ancestry.com, and more sell some form of home DNA testing … Continue reading

Confuse Your Descendants – Make Your Brown Eyes Blue

The color of your eyes depends on the genes that you inherited from your parents. A study found that all humans that have blue eyes share a common ancestor. Recently, a scientist found a way to change brown eyes into blue eyes. That group will have blue eyes, but won’t share the common ancestor with the people who were born with blue eyes. Your eye color is something that is genetically determined. Blue eyes are a recessive trait. Brown eyes are a dominant trait. You can use a Punnett Square to predict the probability that an offspring of two particular … Continue reading

Your Family Health History Does Not Have To Repeat Itself

Knowing your family health history can help you to take better care of yourself. Learning about what illnesses have affected members of your family can alert you to health risks that people in your family are particularly susceptible to. This is good knowledge to have for yourself, and it is valuable information that you should share with your doctor. By talking about your family health history with your doctor, you give your doctor information that helps him or her to assess your health in a big-picture sort of way. For example, that skin-colored bump above your ear normally would not … Continue reading

Do Your Genes Determine Your Future?

Does a particular disease seem to run in your family? If the disease is genetically heritable, then there is potential that a gene that links to a certain disease, disorder, or condition could be passed from one generation in your family to the next one, and so on. However, just because there is the potential for you to have a gene that raises the risks for you to develop something does not mean that you absolutely will end up developing it. Your lifestyle choices also play a part. Breast cancer is something that both women and men can get. The … Continue reading