The National Archives has a Genealogy Tool Kit

It can be difficult to get started working on your genealogy research. New genealogists may not have a clue where to begin. It can be overwhelming to think about how many hours of research are ahead of you. Fortunately, the National Archives have created a Genealogy Tool Kit that can help you get started. The National Archives is the shortened version of the full name of the organization. The whole name is The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). This is the official archive of historical documents for the United States. Genealogists can access these records to learn more about … Continue reading

Interesting Statistics About the 1940 Census

The data from the 1940 United States Census was released on April 2, 2012. It is the most exciting, most anticipated, resource that genealogists are going to be able to dig into this year. Here are some interesting statistics about the 1940 U.S. Census. The release of the 1940 census was so popular that thousands of genealogists flocked to The National Archives website to check it out. This caused a virtual traffic jam that resulted in the website being temporarily shut down. It was getting more hits than the server could process. Susan Cooper, a spokeswoman for The National Archives, … Continue reading

Census Excitement Causes Virtual Traffic Jam

Data from the 1940 United States Census was released to the public on April 2, 2012. This is something that many genealogists have been waiting for. The excitement over the ability to access the 1940 United States Census caused a virtual traffic jam at the National Archive’s website. I have lost track of how many news articles, blogs, and genealogy podcasts have talked about the 1940 United States Census in the months, weeks, and days before it was made available to all genealogists. This data is the biggest, most exciting, most anticipated resource in a long time, and is something … Continue reading