Become a Certified Genealogist

Although there are many hobby genealogists there are people who choose to turn their love into a career. Professional genealogists help other complete their genealogy. Some may work at a genealogy library others may focus solely on doing the work for others. If you are considering going professional you may consider getting a degree or certificate in genealogy from a university. Another option is to become a board certified genealogist. The Board for Certification of Genealogists oversees the certification process for genealogists in the United States. There is an extensive process in which you must show the work you have … Continue reading

Genealogy Resume

I have recently been putting together a genealogy resume for two reasons. Number one, I have decided to take my genealogy hobby professionally-much thanks to this blogging job for showing me how great it can be to get paid for what you really love. And number two, in order to allow me to reflect on my own personal strengths and weaknesses in regards to my genealogical experience and know-how. My completed genealogy resume will include all aspects of my genealogy “addiction” (for lack of a more appropriate word). I will include my reasons for doing genealogy, any education I have … Continue reading

Genealogy Glossary

There are many words and phrases used in genealogy that we sometimes do not see or use in every day life. To succeed in genealogy, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with them. Listed here are just some of the many words and phrases you may come across during your genealogical research. There is also a list of sites that offer more comprehensive genealogy glossaries. Ahnentafal: A table of someone’s ancestors in which a numbering system is used. This word derives from the the German Ahnen meaning ancestor, and Tafel meaning table. Ancestor: Any person that someone is … Continue reading

Starting Your Own Genealogy Business

If you are thinking of taking your genealogy hobby to the next level and become a professional genealogist you need to look at the entire picture. It is important that you have several years of experience doing research, and helping others with research. Many genealogist enthusiasts have this already through volunteering at the local genealogical society. It does help business to have credentials as you open your business. While it is not required many people are more comfortable hiring a genealogist that is board certified or who has a degree in genealogy. It is not difficult to do both of … Continue reading

Understanding Genealogical Proof Standard

If you are thinking about becoming a certified genealogist or if you have thought about hiring one, you may be wondering what Genealogical Proof Standard is. This is a standard set up by professional genealogists that demonstrates the work has been thoroughly researched. It would be beneficial to conduct the same standard of research and logic in your own genealogy work. There are five basic parts of the proof standard. The first is that search has looked at several reliable resources for the information. This means looking at the census and other records in order to establish that you have … Continue reading

Get a Genealogy Degree

If you are interested in genealogy and family history and considering going back to school you may be interested in earning a degree in family history or genealogy. There are a few programs to choose from that offer a degree in genealogy. A degree in genealogy can help you if you want to be genealogist and complete genealogy for other people. However many genealogists do not have a degree in genealogy, but rather just complete the work necessary to become a certified genealogist. There are several options to complete a degree in genealogy. Several colleges offer online degrees in genealogy. … Continue reading

Online Genealogy Courses

If you are a complete novice to genealogy you may want to sit down and take an actual class or tutorial to help you know how to start. There are several classes available to help you begin your genealogy work. Additionally these may lead you down the path to become a certified genealogist. There are universities that offer a degree in genealogy or family history. One free class is offered through BYU’s online courses. Finding Your Ancestors is a free course. It provides two lessons that can be completed all at once or at different times. This class is designed … Continue reading