Are There Witches in Your Family Tree?

Did any of your ancestors live in a location, and during a time, where there were “witch trials” taking place? If so, then there could be some very interesting family history that is just waiting for a genealogist to uncover it. There is potential that one, or more, of your ancestors were accused of being a witch. I first learned about the Salem Witch Trials in a history class I took when I was a student. These dark and disturbing events took place in Salem, Massachusetts, in the United States. Other witch trials took place in Germany, Scotland, Ireland, and … Continue reading

Did Your Ancestors Live Through A Witch Hunt?

There are many kinds of people who add interest to any family tree in which they appear. Witches and persons accused of practicing witchcraft are one group of people who add an interesting twist to their families’ history. Witches are commonly associated with the Salem Witch Trials that took place in Salem, Massachusetts in the 1690’s. Anti-witchcraft sentiments were not unique to Colonial America, though. In 15th century Europe, there were strict rules against practicing witchcraft and suspected witches were hanged. Thousands of witches were executed in Scotland and Germany as well. If there are people in your family tree … Continue reading

Help Your Child Triumph Over Irrational Fears

Our family was visiting a botanical garden, and Kyle was very unhappy. As we walked through the trails between the trees and blossoming bushes, he covered his ears and squinted his eyes, sometimes humming to himself. “He’s afraid of bees,” his older brother informed me. I was somewhat surprised. I’d had an inkling he didn’t like bees, but now I was seeing the real depth of his fear. A couple times on our walk, for no apparent reason, Kyle would shriek and duck in horror, as if aliens were attacking. Sometimes I saw the culprit “bee” (several times it was … Continue reading

Genalogy And Halloween Costumes

Halloween is just around the corner. If you are having trouble selecting a costume, why not check out the branches of your family tree for some inspiration. Whether you select a cultural look from one of your ethnic origins or an outfit honoring a beloved ancestor from a specific time period, your costume is sure to stand out from the sea of devils and witches at any Halloween party. Imagine how much fun it would be to dance the night away in Roaring 20’s style. Civil War Era costumes are another interesting way to dress yourself and your family. Did … Continue reading

Haunted Historical Happenings in Vermont

For many genealogists, Halloween is a very enjoyable time of year. It just makes sense for people who love finding out about people and things from the past to savor a time of year when history is often brought to life through ghost tours and other haunted happenings that are based upon historical events. Today, I decided to see what events are happening this year around where I live. My family is not from around here, but some families that I know have lived in Vermont for many generations so some of these events and places are things that people … Continue reading

Oops, Our Bad – The Tragedy of the Salem Witch Trials

It’s October, and people are thinking about all things Halloween. Since I am from Massachusetts, I think that it is a good time to talk about a place that I visited a long time ago when I was a Girl Scout – Salem. People from all over the world come to Salem, Massachusetts to learn more about the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. The Witch Trials undoubtedly played a large part of the lives of all that were living in New England during that time. My ancestors were still in other countries at that time, but other people are able … Continue reading

Inspirational Genealogy Quotes

I love words, as I am sure that many of you know by now. Today, instead of digging around for new genealogy words that I do not know the meanings of, I decided to find some inspiring genealogy quotes. These quotes help to put all of our time and energy spend researching ancestors into perspective. Keep one or more of these handy for when you feel as though your research does not matter, or when you are getting frustrated because it is not going smoothly. For example, this quote for C.S. Lewis reminds us that even in this world where … Continue reading

History and Hauntings in New Hampshire

Families with roots in New England may have American roots that date back quite a few generations. New England was one of the first places in America to be settled by Europeans, so many of the first families of European descent to live in America made their homes there. Fortunately, the history of New England is very well preserved in museums, books, monuments, and other forms of historical memorabilia. If your family has roots in New England, particularly in New Hampshire, you may find it interesting to know that there are walking tours where you can explore the lore and … Continue reading

Allergy Caddy App Can Make Eating Out a Little Safer

Fast food, although not the healthiest choice of dinner, can be extremely convenient. You don’t have to cook anything yourself, and you don’t have to do any dishes later on. If you have a child who has severe food allergies, things become a bit more difficult. How can you be certain that the items on the menu will be safe for your child to eat? This is where the Allergy Caddy app can be useful. The more children that are in a family, the more busy that family will be. This is especially true if your kids all have after … Continue reading