Genealogy Resources About the Titanic

April 15, 2012, is the One Hundredth Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Did you have an ancestor who was on board? What was that person’s story? Did he or she survive, or go down with the ship? To find these answers, you will need some genealogy resources that are about the Titanic. Here are a few to get you started. is giving everyone free access to their Titanic Collection from right now through April 15, 2012. It includes 200 million Immigration and Travel records. The website also has records about fatality reports, graves, survivors, crew records, and … Continue reading

Is High Blood Pressure In Your Family Medical History?

I have talked before about the importance of knowing your family medical history. The other day I was at a doctor’s appointment and my doctor actually asked me questions about my mother, father, and sister. He even drew a little family tree right there in my medical chart. The reason for his inquiry into my family’s medical history is that I developed high blood pressure during both of my pregnancies. My son was born almost four weeks ago, and my blood pressure is still high enough that I must take medication for it. These current pieces of information regarding my … Continue reading