has Updated its Yearbook Collection

It is always great when genealogy websites update their collections. What once was a “dead end” might now contain the information you are seeking. has updated its Yearbook Collection. Your relatives could be in them. You can also find yearbook photos of celebrities. School yearbooks hold a lot of interesting information about what your relatives or ancestors were like when they were young. You are very likely to find a “school portrait” image within a yearbook. If your relative, or ancestor, was popular, or very active in school activities, there may be more photos of them in their yearbook. … Continue reading

It’s Time For Free Access on

Every so often, online genealogy giant offers the public access to a section of its vast online genealogy resources for free. It’s time for free access to some of the collection again, so from August 29th through September 5th you can access immigration and travel records on for free. It is a great opportunity to learn about the journeys of your ancestors and the stories of how they came to America. In case you are wondering what kinds of records you can get into on for free this week, the collection includes a diverse selection. Passenger … Continue reading