Free Access to 1940 Census Records

Every now and then, gives free access to parts of their vast online genealogy resource collection. Right now, in celebration of the completion of the indexing of the 1940 United States Census, is offering free access to those records. I decided to take a look and see who I could find from my family. It did not take long before I found my paternal grandmother, who was seventeen years old at the time of the 1940 Census. It was fun to see her record, because I learned that she was one of six children. She went on to … Continue reading

ProGenealogists Has List of 50 Most Popular Genealogy Websites for 2011

Ever wonder how popular your favorite genealogy website is, when compared with the rest? One good way to find out is to read over the list on the ProGenealogists website. The list of the 50 Most Popular Genealogy Websites is updated annually, and the 2010 list became available in January of 2011. Perhaps you have had your eye on a genealogy website that you have been curious about trying, but are hesitating, because you haven’t been able to discern how good the website really is. Or, maybe you are just curious about how the most well known genealogy websites compare … Continue reading

World Archive Project Now Open to Mac Users

The Ancestry World Archive Project is a great way to help out the genealogy community. Active contributors are eligible for discounts at Now, genealogists who use a Mac can participate in the Ancestry World Archive Projects, (just like those with PCs already are able to). It is nice to give back to the genealogy community when you can. Thousands of people did this by volunteering to be an indexer or arbitrator for FamilySearch’s recently completed project involving the names from the 1940 United States Census. Another way to help out is to get involved with the Ancestry World Archives … Continue reading