Addiction Recovery Program is Now Online

The church has recently launched a new portion of its website for the addiction recovery program. I, myself, have never attended these meetings. I have always thought that it was just for those who suffered from addiction to pornography or substance abuse. But, in fact, this program is much more than that. If you are thinking that it might be like your typical AA meeting, think again. The meetings are run in a loving, hope filled environment. No one is expected to confess their sins to a large group of people, and in fact, you don’t even have to be … Continue reading

How Severe Is Your Social Media Addiction?

There is nothing pathological about having fun and about feeling enjoyment. We were created with these feelings and this potential. Engaging in a pleasurable activity is not inherently wrong. But the line between activity and addiction lies at the crossroads where an activity that is positive or neutral takes a decidedly negative turn. With addictive behaviors that do not involve chemical substances – such as social media – there are a series of conditions you can use to determine severity. Importance: How important has it become to your sense of self and the way you life your life? You can … Continue reading

Canned Air Is Not Always Your Friend

Sometimes I think I must be so very innocent, either that or I’m just not very imaginative when it comes to using household items as drugs. I was recently smacked in the face with the fact that people use those cans of duster that we clean our electronics with, to get high. I really had no idea. I was telling my sister that I read in the news about someone dying from that and she told me that one of her friends had to stop buying it because her teenage daughter was using it as an inhalant. I don’t know … Continue reading

Mommy Addictions

Two words: Downton Abbey. After a hard day scrubbing filthy floors, washing stacks of soiled dishes, sorting mountains of dirty laundry, chasing unruly kids, cooking, chauffeuring, and calming crying babies, moms deserve a break; a chance to relax, unwind and indulge in something that brings them peace, repose and otherwise rejuvenates their spirit. According to an unscientific survey, these days, those highly anticipated (though extremely rare) Mommy breaks are being spent in front of a television screen fostering an addiction to Downton Abbey. The entire universe is reportedly enraptured by the ITV/PBS drama set in early 20th Century England, but … Continue reading

Addiction Can Run in Families

The death of the singer Amy Winehouse has caused many people give some thought to addiction. Many news articles speculate about her exact cause of death, and how that might have been prevented. In general, there are both genetic and environmental factors that are connected with addiction. Addiction, in its many forms and varieties, tends to run in families. If one of your relatives suffers from addiction, then you can be certain that will be some other relatives and ancestors who also have struggled with addiction, located somewhere in your family tree. Genealogists may discover this as they work on … Continue reading

Is Addiction In Your Genes?

Addiction is a very serious condition that affects about ten percent of the population. It affects people of all ethnicities, and all socioeconomic backgrounds. The consequences of addiction are diverse; it affects both physical and mental health and economic, social, and emotional well being. Our understanding of the workings of addiction has grown tremendously in recent years, as more and more research on addiction has been done. Research has shown that genetic predisposition to addiction, along with poor coping skills, are the two factors that determine whether an individual will struggle with addiction. Studies that were conducted by observing twins, … Continue reading

Can’t Find Your Relative? Let PeopleFinders Help!

Having trouble finding information about one of your ancestors? Perhaps you have already searched through several online genealogy websites, visited graveyards, sifted through old family photos, and gone through the archives of courthouses, only to come up with nothing. Instead of giving up, or getting disappointed, let PeopleFinders help you! Genealogy can be fun when you are able to find the information you are looking for. Finding a previously unknown ancestor can be exciting! For some people, finding out an ancestor’s birth date, death date, or date of marriage can be like placing the final puzzle piece that completes the … Continue reading

Do You Experience Runner’s High?

I run because I have to, NOT because I want to. Running is a relatively inexpensive sport that helps me stay fit. What’s more, I can do it just about anywhere. There are many pros to running, but for me, the pursuit of a “runner’s high” is not chief among them. I’m thrilled when I complete my daily run, namely because it means I can check it off my to-do list. I am not someone who relishes the endorphin rush of completing six, 12 or 18 miles. Nor do I sink into a valley of despair when something prevents me … Continue reading

How Exercise Can Help Chocoholics

If you are desperately trying to overcome your addiction to chocolate this blog might come in quite handy. According to British researchers, chocoholics can reduce their cravings by taking a simple 15-minute stroll. The results of this new study are making headlines around the world (which just goes to prove how powerful the lure of chocolate really is). In a recent news conference scientists announced that for the first-time ever research shows a link between exercise and managing food cravings. The study followed 25 self-professed “chocoholics” (defined as people who ate chocolate on a daily basis). Each chocoholic was told … Continue reading

Skin Care Myths: Chapstick Addiction

Have you heard people say that Chapstick and other lip balms are addictive? Pay attention to the folks who use those products, and you might see the products getting a lot of use. But are lip balms really addictive? No! One popular theory is that lip balms include ingredients that make your lips dry out faster — so you have to reapply frequently throughout the day and restock more often. But it’s just not true. Then why do some folks reach for the lip balm over and over throughout the day? (I’ll confess — I’m never far from a tube … Continue reading