Fun With Genealogy Words

It has been a while since I have learned any new genealogy terms. I love words, and genealogy is a source of a great many unfamiliar words. This is partly because some of the words that you can come across in genealogy research are words that have fallen out of common usage. Think about it. When was the last time that you heard anyone talk about someone being exheres? It still happens, though, people are disinherited every day. Did you know that back in the day, wives and housewives were not simply referred to as “wife”. They were honored with … Continue reading

23andMe Seeks FDA Approval of DNA Test Kits

23andMe is a company that offers a DNA test kit. Genealogists can use it to learn more about their heritage. Everyone can use it to learn about their health. 23AndMe is among the groups asking for the FDA to approve their test kits. The ability for a consumer to purchase a home DNA test kit, to send off a sample, and to learn more about the information that is hidden in their genes, is a new concept. It’s only been possible for a few years. Companies like 23andMe, DeCODE, Navigenics,, and more sell some form of home DNA testing … Continue reading